释义 |
羊肠小道羊肠鸟道yáng cháng xiǎo dàoa bumpy,meandering by-way (/footpath); a narrow winding trail; a narrow zigzag path; a tortuous mountain track ❍ 您是我们杂剧界领路的人,最好把大家领上阳关大道,别人好走,您自家儿走起来也舒服; 别尽领~,别人辛苦,自己也容易栽更头。(田汉《关汉卿》28)You’re our leader in dramatic art. As such,you’re expected to guide us in the right way. It’ll be easier for all your followers and for yourself too. Don’t take us into bumpy,meandering by-ways. They’ll be difficult for us to negotiate and very likely you’ll trip over too. ❍ 老鹰嘴, 𡺎岩怪石,刺窝丛生, 一条~弯弯曲曲通向山顶。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》56) Hawk’s Beak was a huge misshapen cliff that was covered with brambles,a narrow path winding to its top. ❍ 说毕,往前一望,见白石崚嶒,或如鬼怪,或似猛兽,纵横拱立;上面苔藓斑驳,或藤萝掩映: 其中微露羊肠小径。(《红楼梦》 188) On the miniature mountain they saw rugged white rocks resembling monsters and beasts,some recumbent,some rampant,dappled with moss or hung about with creepers,a narrow zigzag path just discernible between them. ❍ 鸟道羊肠,春丝驮来驿路长,连山铃铎频摇响,看日近帝都旁。(洪昇《长生殿》213)Along tortuous mountain tracks|I have brought the tribute silk; |The way is long,and the bells on our baggage train| Echo among the hills as we near Chang-an. 羊肠小道yang chang xiao daoa narrow winding trail 羊肠小道sheep track;trail 羊肠小道narrow winding trail;meandering footpath |